2021-05-08 16:06:02 +03:00

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<h1 class="Conway"><a href="http://www.gunpointgame.com/">CONWAY'S SECRET BLOG</a></h1> <!-- Here's the title man! -->
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<div class="Left Side Box GunLeft GunBox">
<div class="GunSub">
<img src="http://www.pentadact.com/PortraitConway.png">
<h2>Richard Conway</h2>
<p>Professional spy.<br>Amateur electrician.<br>Weaponised jerk.</p>
<div class="GunSub">
<img src="http://www.pentadact.com/ConwayJump.png">
<p><a>Super Jumping</a></p>
<img src="http://www.pentadact.com/ConwayCrosslink.png">
<p><a>Rewiring Security</a></p>
<img src="http://www.pentadact.com/ConwayGatecrash.png">
<p><a>Property Damage</a></p>
<img src="http://www.pentadact.com/ConwayFall.png">
<p><a>Falling Over</a></p>
<div class="Right Side Box GunRight GunBox">
<div class="GunSub">
<h2>What is this?</h2>
<p>This is one person's custom-generated epilogue from <a href="http://www.gunpointgame.com">Gunpoint</a>, a stealth game about rewiring things and punching people.</p>
<div class="GunSub">
<h2>How is it made?</h2>
<p>It's a result of how they handled the game's key decisions, and how glib they chose to be about them at the end.</p>
<div class="GunSub">
<h2>Where do I get it?</h2>
<p><a href="http://www.gunpointgame.com">Here!</a> It's $10, and there's a <a href="http://files.humblebundle.com/gunpoint_demo-1370275678.zip?key=store&ttl=1722866400&t=b2059e291d28e90f83577303bb358855">free demo.</a></p>
</div> <!-- End of Right Side Box -->
<div class="Post">
<h2>A case of crossed wires</h2>
function GetVariable( name ) {
name = name.replace(/[\[]/,"\\\[").replace(/[\]]/,"\\\]");
var regexS = "[\\?&]"+name+"=([^&#]*)";
var regex = new RegExp( regexS );
var results = regex.exec( window.location.href );
if( results == null )
return "";
return results[1];
Epilogue=GetVariable("K") + " dead. " + GetVariable("U") + " injured. 20 jobs. $13,000. ";
if (GetVariable("C0") == "1") { Epilogue=Epilogue+"The week echoed in my mind like a gunshot in an empty street.. " }
else if (GetVariable("C0") == "2") { Epilogue=Epilogue+"The week echoed in my mind like something that happened in the last week. " }
else { Epilogue=Epilogue+"I've had better weeks. " };
if (GetVariable("E1") == "1") { Epilogue=Epilogue+"They don't let me name names on this blog, but the person behind the hit I was investigating is probably being picked up by the East Point police about now. " }
else { Epilogue=Epilogue+"They don't let me name names on this blog, but the person behind the hit I was investigating is dead now. " };
if (GetVariable("C1") == "1") { Epilogue=Epilogue+"Killing him wasn't worth the stain on my conscience. " }
else if (GetVariable("C1") == "2") { Epilogue=Epilogue+"Killing him wasn't worth the stain on my relatively new coat. " }
else if (GetVariable("C1") == "3") { Epilogue=Epilogue+"I, er, may have killed more people than I actually avenged here. " }
else if (GetVariable("C1") == "4") { Epilogue=Epilogue+"He played a dangerous game, and he didn't have the cards. " }
else if (GetVariable("C1") == "5") { Epilogue=Epilogue+"He played a dangerous game: insulting my hat. " }
else { Epilogue=Epilogue+"In fact, I may have killed more people than I actually avenged here. " };
if (GetVariable("E2") == "1") { Epilogue=Epilogue+"I didn't get the trigger man. " }
else if (GetVariable("E2") == "2") { Epilogue=Epilogue+"The trigger man's going down. " }
else { Epilogue=Epilogue+"The trigger man's dead. " };
if (GetVariable("C2") == "1") { Epilogue=Epilogue+"When it came down to it, the cost of revenge was one I couldn't pay. " }
else if (GetVariable("C2") == "2") { Epilogue=Epilogue+"When it came down to it, it turned out I didn't care. " }
else if (GetVariable("C2") == "3") { Epilogue=Epilogue+"It was the only play I could stomach. Wish I could say it was the right one. " }
else if (GetVariable("C2") == "4") { Epilogue=Epilogue+"I thought that would feel good, but there's no escaping what it cost. " }
else if (GetVariable("C2") == "5") { Epilogue=Epilogue+"I thought that would feel good. It did. " }
else { Epilogue=Epilogue+"That would have felt good if I hadn't just taken a seven story body slam. " };
Epilogue=Epilogue+"I don't know. ";
if (GetVariable("C3") == "1") { Epilogue=Epilogue+"I think I picked the right side. " }
else if (GetVariable("C3") == "2") { Epilogue=Epilogue+"Sometimes I think I picked the wrong side. " }
else { Epilogue=Epilogue+"I guess I picked the least shitty of two incredibly shitty sides. " };
Epilogue=Epilogue+"Maybe that doesn't matter. Maybe all that matters is ";
if (GetVariable("C4") == "1") { Epilogue=Epilogue+"justice. " }
else if (GetVariable("C4") == "2") { Epilogue=Epilogue+"revenge. " }
else { Epilogue=Epilogue+"that I now have the ability to kick down doors. " };
Epilogue=Epilogue+"Either way, ";
if (GetVariable("C5") == "1") { Epilogue=Epilogue+"I need a drink. " }
else if (GetVariable("C5") == "2") { Epilogue=Epilogue+"I need to get out of this city. " }
else { Epilogue=Epilogue+"I think I need 10ccs of ketamine and a Columbo marathon. " };
if (GetVariable("K") !== "") { document.write(Epilogue) };
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