import L from "leaflet"; type TargetLocation = [lat: number, lng: number] | null; const mapEl = document.getElementById("map"); var targetLocationIcon = L.icon({ iconUrl: "goal.svg", iconSize: [32, 32], }); var currentLocationIcon = L.icon({ iconUrl: "blue-dot.png", iconSize: [32, 32], }); const targetLocation = mapEl?.dataset.targetLocation; const data = targetLocation ? JSON.parse(targetLocation) : null; const TARGET_LOCATION = data as TargetLocation; var map ="map"); if (TARGET_LOCATION) map.setView(TARGET_LOCATION, 13); L.tileLayer("{z}/{x}/{y}.png", { maxZoom: 19, attribution: '© OpenStreetMap', }).addTo(map); map.on("locationerror", onLocationError); map.on("locationfound", onLocationSuccess); let currentLocationMarker: L.Marker; function onLocationError(err: L.ErrorEvent) { let errorMessage; switch (err.code) { case 1: errorMessage = "Konum izni alınamadı, lütfen tarayıcınızın ve cihazınızın gizlilik ayarlarını kontrol edin."; break; case 2: errorMessage = "Konumunuz tespit edilemedi, lütfen biraz sonra tekrar deneyiniz."; break; case 3: errorMessage = "Konum isteği zaman aşımına uğradı, lütfen sayfayı yenileyip tekrar deneyiniz."; break; default: errorMessage = "Konum izni alınamadı, lütfen tarayıcınızın ve cihazınızın gizlilik ayarlarını kontrol edin."; break; } // @ts-ignore Toastify({ text: errorMessage, duration: 3000, gravity: "top", // `top` or `bottom` position: "center", // `left`, `center` or `right` stopOnFocus: true, // Prevents dismissing of toast on hover style: { background: "black", borderRadius: "6px", margin: "16px", }, onClick: function () {}, // Callback after click }).showToast(); } function onLocationSuccess(locationEvent: L.LocationEvent) { const position = locationEvent.latlng; const currentPos = { lat:, lng: position.lng, }; if (currentLocationMarker) { currentLocationMarker.setLatLng(currentPos); } else { currentLocationMarker = L.marker(currentPos, { icon: currentLocationIcon }); currentLocationMarker.addTo(map); } } // @ts-ignore L.Control allows extensions L.Control.AskPermisson = L.Control.extend({ onAdd: function () { const locationButton = document.createElement("button"); locationButton.textContent = "Konum İzni Ver"; locationButton.classList.add("custom-map-control-button"); locationButton.type = "button"; locationButton.addEventListener("click", (ev) => { startWatchingLocation(); locationButton.textContent = "Konumuma Git"; L.DomEvent.stopPropagation(ev); }); return locationButton; }, }); // @ts-ignore L.Control allows extensions L.Control.CurrentLocation = L.Control.extend({ onAdd: function (map: L.Map) { const locationButton = document.createElement("button"); locationButton.textContent = "Konumuma Git"; locationButton.classList.add("custom-map-control-button"); locationButton.type = "button"; locationButton.addEventListener("click", (ev) => { if (currentLocationMarker) { map.setView(currentLocationMarker.getLatLng(), 12); } else { // @ts-ignore Toastify({ text: "Konum izni alınamadı, lütfen tarayıcınızın ve cihazınızın gizlilik ayarlarını kontrol edin.", duration: 3000, gravity: "top", // `top` or `bottom` position: "center", // `left`, `center` or `right` stopOnFocus: true, // Prevents dismissing of toast on hover style: { background: "black", borderRadius: "6px", margin: "16px", }, onClick: function () {}, // Callback after click }).showToast(); } L.DomEvent.stopPropagation(ev); }); return locationButton; }, }); // @ts-ignore L.Control allows extensions L.Control.GoToTargetLocation = L.Control.extend({ onAdd: function (map: L.Map) { const locationButton = document.createElement("button"); locationButton.textContent = "Hedefe Git"; locationButton.classList.add("custom-map-control-button"); locationButton.addEventListener("click", () => { if (TARGET_LOCATION) map.setView(TARGET_LOCATION, 18); }); return locationButton; }, }); // @ts-ignore L.Control allows extensions L.control.askPermission = function (opts) { // @ts-ignore L.Control allows extensions return new L.Control.AskPermisson(opts); }; // @ts-ignore L.Control allows extensions L.control.goToCurrentLocation = function (opts) { // @ts-ignore L.Control allows extensions return new L.Control.CurrentLocation(opts); }; // @ts-ignore L.Control allows extensions L.control.targetLocation = function (opts) { // @ts-ignore L.Control allows extensions return new L.Control.GoToTargetLocation(opts); }; // @ts-ignore L.Control allows extensions const goToCurrentLocationControl = L.control.goToCurrentLocation({ position: "bottomleft", }); // @ts-ignore L.Control allows extensions const askPermissionControl = L.control.askPermission({ position: "bottomleft", }); // @ts-ignore L.Control allows extensions const targetLocationControl = L.control.targetLocation({ position: "bottomleft", }); function addTargetLocationMarker(target: TargetLocation) { if (target) { L.marker(target, { icon: targetLocationIcon }).addTo(map);, { color: "blue", fillColor: "#30f", fillOpacity: 0.2, radius: 50, }).addTo(map); } } function startWatchingLocation() { goToCurrentLocationControl.addTo(map); askPermissionControl.remove(); } function initLocationControls() { targetLocationControl.addTo(map); // Check geolocation permission, if user has given permission before // start watching user location navigator.permissions .query({ name: "geolocation" }) .then((permissionStatus) => { switch (permissionStatus.state) { case "granted": startWatchingLocation(); break; case "denied": case "prompt": askPermissionControl.addTo(map); default: break; } }); } addTargetLocationMarker(TARGET_LOCATION); initLocationControls();